State of Texas Licensed Irrigator

Hire a Licensed Irrigator

We have a Licensed Irrigator on staff. We are trained to design and make repairs to your sprinkler system supply.

Before you Hire. 

Are they licensed?

Licensed irrigators can provide a license number (LI#) which must be displayed on their vehicles. This license number should also be displayed on all official documents. Search for your irrigator in the TCEQ database before starting any repairs or installations.

Backflow Testing

Some city ordinances required that the backflow preventor should be tested every year or three years to keep your family safe from contaminates. We can provide this service if you need the backflow tested.

Health Concerns

If you do not have a licensed irrigator, you are putting your family at risk if it is not installed correctly as well as wasting water. The wastewater from your yard can be siphoned back into your family’s drinking water if it is not maintained correctly.

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